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Multifunctional use

Wireless measured value transmission with JUMO Wtrans

The JUMO Wtrans series is a system for wireless transmission of measured values using state-of-the-art radio technology. The universally applicable sensors open up completely new possibilities for measured value acquisition on moving or stationary parts. The measured value is first transmitted wirelessly to the JUMO Wtrans receiver. From there, the signal can be passed on in digital or analog form for further processing to a wide variety of I&C devices such as controllers, automation systems, indicators, or recorders.
Two different radio frequencies are available depending on the place of use: For Europe it is at 868.4 MHz. For the USA as well as for Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some other countries the frequency is 915 MHz.

JUMO variTRON 300

The high-quality entry-level model

JUMO variTRON 300 is a compact automation system with optional wireless interface. The central unit can also be used as a receiver for the wireless JUMO Wtrans sensors. With the aid of a router module, JUMO's proven input and output modules can be connected and a complete system with integrated PLC (CODESYS V3.5) can be set up.

JUMO variTRON 300

JUMO variTRON 300 with wireless temperature sensor and pressure transmitter


Central processing unit for automation system

JUMO variTRON 300 provides users with a smart solution for simple automation applications. JUMO variTRON 300 is based on a powerful CPU with an 800 MHz single-core processor. The software has a modular structure based on a Linux platform and uses the CODESYS V3.5 programming environment SP16. Another special feature is a customer-specific configuration and process data editor. In addition, individual applications can be created using the modern programming environment Node-RED. Up to 32 wireless JUMO Wtrans sensors can be connected via a wireless gateway for various purposes including measuring temperature or pressure.

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