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Experience JUMO in Landshut, Germany!

We are looking forward to having the opportunity to talk to you in person again. In Landshut, we will present innovations and highlights from our portfolio and hope to talk to you about them.

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JUMO variTRON 500 touch: Our newcomer

When automation becomes child's play

JUMO variTRON 500 touch

As an integrated central processing unit for automation systems, the JUMO variTRON 500 touch is a top highlight in the field of automation that makes even the implementation of complex measurement, control, automation, and control solutions simple and intuitive. A flexible connection to existing applications is easily possible due to the support of numerous fieldbus systems.

Arrange a consultation appointment now!
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Referent: Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Walter Produktmanager Single Pair Ethernet

Besuchen Sie unseren Fachvortrag:

„Mehrwert beim Einsatz von intelligenten Sensoren mit Single Pair Ethernet Schnittstelle”

13:30 - 14:00 Uhr in Raum A

Your technology highlights

JUMO hydroTRANS JUMO hydroTRANS Humidity and temperature transmitter
  • Precise humidity and temperature measurement
  • Flexible application
  • Easy installation
With SPE
JUMO flowTRANS MAG H20 JUMO flowTRANS MAG H20 Electromagnetic flowmeter
  • Measurement of small quantities
  • Compact Design
  • Modern HMI
With SPE
JUMO DELOS S02 JUMO DELOS S02 Precision pressure transmitter
  • Simple configuration
  • High process security
  • High accuracy
With SPE

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Do you have any questions?

Sabine Hauß



+49 661 6003 9585 Contact us!